Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Coming Home..

Coming back from a stranger's arms
To mum's own

Rushing from school
To find mom and sis and bros and dad and hot bhajjis!

Returning from an exhilirating inter-collegiate programme
To the hostel
To familiar room-mates
To banter through the night

Looking forward for the weekend
To catch up with by now scattered friends
And old books that remind you of the carefree days
In a far way city that is home to your job

And now..
Just closing the day
With somebody who knows-not to judge you in anyway
And where 'Being You' makes you endearing and a delight to be with..

'Coming home' is truly a pleasure..
Knowing this will further evolve..
And hoping that
I will be 'Home' too someday to somebody..
Is one of the few reasons..
Tomorrow looks promising and worth planning for..