Thursday, March 12, 2020

Jan to March 2020

A first quarter of lists of twists and turns. Firstly, the young one got into her first grammar of choice. Our good friends who had by now moved back to India surprised her by couriering a kid’s Fitbit as her gift.

My very kind sister in law in the meanwhile couriered me a thermo tra x infrared belt for my back pain. We were also expecting a cheque couriered from our bank. All three used the same courier service so it was confusion galore. But thankfully everything ended well.

In another twist, we had planned to move to a different location to the school she had gotten the maximum scholarship ( that the school gave). So we attended the school special tea, paid the deposit etc. In the meanwhile, her current school that had already done and dusted scholarships etc, suddenly offered her a place in the scholarship programme.

She had performed well in her second term, endeared herself to her teachers with her originality in approach and was part of the debating club and was selected for chapel choir. Having considered all of the above and a surprise chat with her by the headmaster, she was given a scholarship..a late addition so to speak.

Her class teacher and the librarian had spoken to her head teacher about how she has an out of the box approach to most things and always has original ideas. Once they had asked for a creative advertisement for a chocolate they were supposed to make. While all the kids made really good posters and slogans, she enacted a video ad with music and dialogues and a jingle:)

So, she received scholarship in a category they never had ...original personality.

Now we were in a soup. We spoke to various parents and they all said, while the other school was really good, this one was equally good and given that she was part of the scholarship programme there was no real reason for us to move.

So we withdrew our other place, got our deposit refunded and decided to stay here. ( Final decision before end of April..but unless finances changed drastically, this would be our choice)

She also made a science project, that did not win ( as the technical model was very simple and mostly done by her dad) but was identified and recognised for its originality.(The idea, conceptualisation, branding were all her)
She made a video presentation for the same as well. I must say it was very well done.

In all, a very interesting time especially with this pandemic threatening to take over all our lives. Fingers crossed.
