Sunday, June 25, 2006


Was just wondering.. how many of us say "Namaste" anymore... or for that matter "Vanakkam" or whatever the regional translation may be.. and for the folding of the palms.. I can't remember the last time I did that for anything .. let alone greeting somebody... Of course, at 25 or so it might be absurd to say "Namaste" to your colleagues or peers.. but even amongst our parents' generation.. I find too few people using our traditional form of greeting.. somethings are dying a silent death..

Also, all the chachas, mamas, mausis.. everybody has become an uncle or an aunt.. there is something to calling a relationship in its exact sense.. and not generalising the same.. of course.. the world will not stop if the "namaste"s and the "Chachas" dont happen.. but you know..something special and unique to this group of people who live between the hills on the north and the ocean all around.. is quitely slipping away..

1 comment:

dazedandconfused said...

Hmmm...true I guess. Just the other day i was reading that teenager's now call them just 'Rents' instead of 'parents', as in "My 'Rents' wont give me the money/permission etc." Who knows, it might turn full circle ten generations later...:)