Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Summer 2017 - Part 4

The next day my LASEK was scheduled. The first 3 days were much, much more painful that I had imagined, The main culprit was the protective lens in my right eye that felt like a thousand glass pieces with their sharp ends up the bottom of my upper eyelid. Today is day 8 and still my right eye does not feel completely pain free. The left eye on the other hand just felt like a single eyelash was stuck inside! Strange that!

The CM was of great and kind help when I could not open my eyes for the first 3 days. On day 4, the lenses were removed to my great relief and while I was still sensitive to light I atleast was not in so much pain.

On day 5, my energy was back but I was not allowed/could not browse, read the kindle or watch Tele. So, I was restless from the morning.

Post the CM's piano class, I had an epiphany and asked an extremely reluctant K to check if Harry Potter studio tickets were available. Poor K had other plans for the day but could not refuse to check. Earlier in the holidays when I had checked them for the CM , no slot was available throughout the holidays.

Suddenly a 5 pm slot came free. After some 'not-so-gentle', whiny persuasion, ( K never could resist my wily charms! :)) poor K gave up and booked the tickets. We quickly packe dup and left for the 1.5 hour dirve. We first visited the Bhakti Vedanta ISCKON temple, where the CM fed the cows at the goshala. We then went to the HP studio. I was more excited than the CM and we both happily checked out the Cupboard under the stairs, the Great hall, the boy's dormitory and my favourite, Dumbledore's room and the pen sieve and memories stored there!

I spotted all the golden snitches with either K or the CM's help ( I still was wearing sun glasses indoors attracting strange looks, but who cared! I was in HP world!). We loved the Weasley family kitchen where we made the carrots cut themselves, the scarf knit itself and the pan wash itself! , calling up the quidditch broom into our hands and flying on the brooms. I could not enjoy the forbidden forest because of the flashing lights but K got to see his favourite character ' Buck beak!'

I loved the butter beer, Hogwart's express and looking into the Privet drive house where the Hogwart's envelopes were floating about! All this while, the CM was listening to the audio guide exploring how the movie was made while I was excitedly peaking into the displays!

We left after a good 4 hours, mighty happy and visited our favourite Saravana Bhavan that used to be our frequent haunt in the days we used to live around here.

We had a late dinner with a nostalgic chat about our days and friends here ( who have since moved to Canada) and came home post midnight.

On the drive back, we listened to LBC's Nick Ferrari in which a 100 year old lady had dialled in to reprimand him about his comments about the Queen. Enough said. Much fund was heard/had.

School starts again day after but as I am sat writing this in a note book using a pen ( how quaint!), the indulgent dat and husband is having  a well-earned lie in, the CM is reading the 'Half Blood Prince' in her kindle and I am wondering when I would be able to transfer this from my notebook tot he laptop without my eyes hurting! ( Did this on day 8 - today! Eye still a bit blurry, so mostly touch typing - hoping to correct errors later!)

Another lovely summer holiday draws to a close! Here's to many more such family moments!

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