Thursday, June 18, 2020

June 2020

Going to turn 40 soon..

In the lock down

Finished two professional courses and updated on LinkedIn
Reduced a stone in weight through diet and walk
In the process of muscle building through strength and resistance day 12;today
Incorporated healthy eating..month 3
Learnt Vedic astrology - would say 5 on a scale of 1 to 10
Learnt sight reading basics through teaching and helping the young one
Learnt Spanish basics , same as above
Learnt some korean and very little chinese
Shanti bhavan, Rubaroo Roshni, American factory and Tokyo trials : made an emotional and intellectual impact
Cooking better every day
Learning to count my blessings..
Cleaned two of the busiest rooms in the house

Deeply and quietly proud of the above as I know how I struggle with handling ambiguity.

Here is to hoping that my best years are yet to come..most definitely with K and R , who have been so loving and supportive as always.

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