What a June 2021 it was. Last day of work was 4th of June. Could have afforded to wait 7 months due to the terms of parting, but was eager to start again - as had 2 offers in hand already, so opted for the day after my birthday to start with the one with the least commute.
Put the entire lot in pension and used less than 0.6% to treat myself with some Swar*ki jewellery.
Good company, good role, nice people, decent pay. No compromises. No loss. 15 minutes from home.
K arranged a home party for my birthday - so the usual suspects came with S having baked a lovely coffee cake. Next day, was too full to go to saravana Bhavan. But did make it to the vatha Kuzhambu some weeks later. What a lovely trip that was - including the trip to the ganapathy temple.
Coco came home on 8th July. Our chocolate boy - a real pleasure to K and R - as they already knew. He is slowly growing on 'scared of dogs' me too!
He is relatively easy, has a good apetite, a very happy, funny, playful boy. Reminds me of R all over again. Both are sweet , kind and innately joyful. His mum is a therapy dog - so kindness is part of who he is.
H's house warming function in April was a good day as well. The day before some friends had gathered to decorate her new house with flowers and rangoli prep moving form the old to the new house. It was good fun. The homam, breakfast and the dinner next day was also good. Managed to fit in work soon after breakfast.
R passed her Grade 5 theory in music in the first attempt ( I hear it is not very easy) - so all the sunday morning effort seems to have paid off!
Summer holidays have started and the days start and end with Coco. R did her mandatory independent towncentre/mall trip with her friends on the last day of school and was very happy! She has squeezed in a movie as well while I took care of Coco for 3 hours - my first independent time! We both did well :)
Started her fully on contacts since yesterday. Let's see how she copes this time around.
July 31st a great time was had once again at D and casper’s where I was the function coordinator and R was the senior!
While there is more than enough reason to be absolutely grateful - for some reason, we are unable to find a house we like yet. The search has been on for more than 10 months now.. Am sure it would all turn out to be good. Fingers crossed.