Saturday, December 02, 2017

Letters to my Princess : 6

Dei Vaalu

You are 8 now and our life is a battle of wills that we knew it would be. You never rush and no one in the world can make you. Be it getting ready, or preparing for a competitive exam or taking a shower, all in your own good time and not a moment sooner. You love to sing in the shower and sit and relax with the towel wrapped snugly around you before you could be bothered to dress up.

You don’t believe in making yourself unhappy for anything or anybody. You do not understand nor can you relate to an ambition or drive that could make your life hectic. You work really hard but the pace has to be your own. You need to enjoy what you do, when you do it, otherwise you do not see the point.

You had your bharathnatyam recital and you smiled your way through it without any mistakes.

I constantly worry about this total disregard for the rat race. What is your future going to be like? I want you to be happy, secure , kind and independent. I do not want you depend on anybody for money or kindness. I would like you to be self sufficient in both.

K feels you would do just fine. You find joy in book, tele and  friendships. You are not at all competitive but full of cheer. You are increasingly kind and have always had a great sense of humour. But you are also overwhelmingly naive. You fight, make up and laugh in under a minute. You simply cannot relate to having grudges. Though even at this age your friends are not like that. Even to A who is a mean bully to you, you are kind and friendly.

You are the only child I know who can laugh through her tears if something funny happens when she is passionately crying!

When I try to dress you up when we are in a rush or if I have a photo of you in a swim suit or if I try to drag you along in a shopping mall you ring out loud and clear ‘ It is my body amma and you cannot  drag, take a photo or dress me up if and when I do not want you to. Thanks’. I always listen to you and stop what I am doing. Hopefully in this world of smart phones and Facebook it is the right thing to do.

Your handwriting is really good but only when you want it to be. You just showed your teacher that you can do superb handwriting but will only do it when you want.  Your teacher says that even if it is not your class’s turn for the library, you would just tell her  ‘ Mrs L, please may I pick some books from the library’and she just could not find it in her to stop you from marching in to the library whether it is your class turn or not !

I am not anvery confident mum Kannamma but you are a very confident child who is very clear about her life. I am just not sure if it is ok to let you be or should I push you to line up the trophies. But more and more it is becoming cleare that  I don’t necessarily have that choice. You are so clear about what you would like to do, when and how that probably I just need to step back and watch you do your swag march in life🙃

Love you da thangame!
