Friday, April 15, 2016

Letters to my Princess -4

Dear Pattumma..

You made me burst with pride again last week..

Basically you started to learn to ride your bike with the stabilisers off just last week. In a matter of half an hour you had cracked it and albeit unsteadily - you were whizzing past a lot of amused joggers (and their dogs!)  :)

So.. this went on for a while and appa was worried you would be too tired.! Now-as parents of an precious, much awaited for, much loved and only child - we do plead guilty to being over protective of you and being 'helicopter' parents that may do you more harm than good..

However, that day we all wanted to end the day with an icecream and appa suggested that he would carry the bike while you and I made our way to the icecream van that was quiet a distance away..

Just hoping to tease you I said.. 'No daddy not carry her bike.. if she wants her icecream, she would have to cycle for it!'.. And pat came your reply ' Do not worry Daddy.. I want to earn this icecream! ' and you rode like the wind to the van :) Only some 'Rocky' style back ground music was missing!

We know how much these things tire you - so we know what an effort this is.

And this is not just an one off! Your uncle cannot praise you enough for your positive and sunny attitude to every day of your life, your teachers keep talking about  your great attitude and how you think hard work is something to be proud about..and I cannot but notice how even my temper tantrums fail before your persistent beaming sunshine attitude!

You are small, of low weight and height even for a year younger to you and you are always the youngest in any class due to the date of your birth..but you happily refuse to acknowledge any of the above and just focus on punching well above your weight..

Sweet heart.. no Diva 'Earns' her icecream or any other reward  as stylishly as you do my darling..

Love you to the moon and back..



You did also learn Division and earn your stars for the same this same week but this was way more fun!


You also turned a corner in your handwriting..lovely, neatly spaced sentences making their way now..well done chitlu!