Sunday, May 25, 2014

Letters to my daughter - 2

My dear little fairy princess..

I am back again with my heart bursting full with a need to spill at least some of these overwhelming emotions..

Of late I have been raising the bar for you on everything - what you should read, write, say, do.

You, in all your innocence are trying your level best to fulfill my expectations without really understanding why the sudden pressure. Just the other day, I was so upset because you had been naughty at school.  I was being so harsh with you and we both raised our voices. But it was you who calmed down first, looked up at me and asked so sweetly ' If I play the piano beautifully today - will that make you smile amma? '.

May be it is normal for a little kid to ask this of her mum but I was so touched (and a little bit ashamed that you were being the grown up  and I, the child..)

Just because I have lost precious children before and after you.. it is unfair of me to expect you to make up for all those losses and  have the best of the lot of the them. I am elated, grateful, blessed and permanently changed for the better because you fought with the powers to be, to come to your dad and me. I am glad you chose us. I am glad you fought to be with us. There is nothing more that I should possibly ask of you other than letting you grow in to the wonderful , spirited sweet heart that you so obviously are.

I remember, some time fact, till the time you were a toddler, as soon as you got up in the morning you used to search for my face, spot it and immediately your face will just bloom from sleepy confusion into a lovely smile that infused your face (and my heart) with joy! That used to be the best part of my day.

Now, as we cuddle in bed at night, read a book together, talk about our day and giggle about how we fought with each other at tea time..I marvel at your growth and spirit and  logical mind and generosity and feel so proud and blessed.

That has now become the best part of my day.

We tell you daily that you are the bestest, you are our favourite and we love you the most in this world..but Kannamma.. what we are actually trying to tell you is this

'Thank you for being you!'

Love you to the moon and back

Saturday, April 26, 2014

India Trip 2014

This year's trip to India was more awesome than the previous ones.. Special credit goes to Kumarakom lake resort where we stayed for 4 fun filled days.. The property was most beautiful, what with traditional Kerala houses turned into Villas facing the serene Vembanad lake..

We stayed in a heritage villa facing the lake.. the villa was right by a lovely stream of water where cranes and birds came in for a reprieve from the April heat.. the villa had a private pool and boy did the little one have fun there..

We jumped into the pool as soon as we checked in and the little one swam for atleast 3 hours every day for the four days we stayed there..

Over and above that the infinity pool that merged into the lake was our daily destination as soon as we woke up in the morning..

The sunrise cruise across the backwaters of Kerala early in the morning..passing through mango, banana and coconut trees fully laden with fruits and green leaves was a memory that will sustain me through the vagaries of at least another year!

The best part as a family was when it rained and we played about in the privacy of our pool..The best part for me was skinny dipping in the room pool late in the night looking at the stars twinkling away..

Apart from the above, we stayed at the Residency in Coimbatore - the lesser said about it the better..

Had a wonderful time at 'handsome' grandpa's house.. the beautifully placed, cooling mountain wind facing 'oonjal' was a big hit with the three of us..

The little one had a good time playing with her cousins at her 'Doctor Grandpa's' house and making loads of new friends at her 'Pattima's' house...

We also visited the Ranganthaswamy temple at Srirangapatna..where K had proposed and I had said 'Yes' 11 years back..So we had a fun time explaining to the little one how mummy and daddy decided to become Husband and Wife and she was very cross we had gone ahead without having consulted her!

Marriott at Bangalore upgraded us to a 'Junior Suite' and as usual we had great fun there as well as the ' executive lounge' with a view of night time Bangalore from the balcony!

Meeting R and S(my ex boss and ex-colleague) at the 'Tiffin box' was a wonderful experience, more so for the great fun we had! Missed H though! He was busy trekking in Nepal right admist the avalanches just then..

Of course all fun has to end and coming back home we have just discovered a small wet patch  in the roof and we are in full panic mode now!

God save us.