Thursday, June 29, 2006

Calvin one liners...

"Dad, how come you live in this house with mom, instead of in an apartment with several scantily clad female roommates."
"I am only civil because i don't know any swear words"
"i think it's time we had a new dad around here. When does your term of office expire?"
calvin on being hit by a vicious susie snow-ball,"Santa's gonna skip this block for years."
"I'm a man of few words"
Hobbes "If you read more, you can increase your vocabulary!"
"In the short term , it would make me happy to go play outside.
In the long term, it would make me happier to do well at school and become successful.
But in the very long term, i know what will make better memories"
'you cant just turn on creativity like a faucet,you have to be in the right mood'
'why suffer learning when ignorance is instantanious'
"Why should I work for any results? Its almost as if I dont deserve it !"
"I don't need to compromise my principles, because they don't have the slightest bearing on what happens to me anyway. "
"Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us."
he sneezes and says "i am leaking brain lubricants.."
I've got plenty of common sense, I just choose to ignore it.
"That is the difference between me and the rest of the world... Happiness is not enough for me..I demand EUPHORIA"
Mothers are the necessity of invention.
"Life is unfair, but how come it's never unfair in my favor?"

Sunday, June 25, 2006


Was just wondering.. how many of us say "Namaste" anymore... or for that matter "Vanakkam" or whatever the regional translation may be.. and for the folding of the palms.. I can't remember the last time I did that for anything .. let alone greeting somebody... Of course, at 25 or so it might be absurd to say "Namaste" to your colleagues or peers.. but even amongst our parents' generation.. I find too few people using our traditional form of greeting.. somethings are dying a silent death..

Also, all the chachas, mamas, mausis.. everybody has become an uncle or an aunt.. there is something to calling a relationship in its exact sense.. and not generalising the same.. of course.. the world will not stop if the "namaste"s and the "Chachas" dont happen.. but you know..something special and unique to this group of people who live between the hills on the north and the ocean all around.. is quitely slipping away..

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Corporate signal

The corporate life reminds me of driving in peak hour traffic... blare the horn loud and clear.. make people notice that you are there.. if somebody looks like a better driver, try and push him off the road... don't ever treat the cyclists and the scooterists with sensitivity... if you recognise a merc or a leather upholstered innova.. slow down deferentially.. if possible throw a smile on the rear view..if it is early morning.. screw up your face in concentration.. let people know that you are in a hurry to do some very important work.. if it is in the night.. make sure you look tired and haggard.. mingled with a "tough-job-but-me-pulled-it-through" look.. in between.. when the traffic cop spots you.. pull up way behind the white line with the look of a very responsible citizen.. when you can't spot him , make sure you dont stop at your red but only at the others's green.. the yellow for them still means you can go..when the roads are empty and nobody is there to watch you.. be the real person you are - a little lazy, dont know where I am going, gonna get scolded by mama, wish I was -( in mauritius/the prince of brunei/my dog/a little more handsome/... whatever)

My signal is green.. gotta go..


Hey world

Here I come with my public diary.. after much deliberation.. but lots of excitement..what makes people ramble about their most private feelings on a public forum.. even those who recognise themselves as innate loners?

The need to share but not receive judgement.. the capacity to erase judgements at the flick of a button.. to let go of the inner demons without a care about where they might end up!
whatever may be the reasons.. today I enroll myself as a citizen of this virtual world. Here's to me!